UniApplyForMe platform and website
I was approached by a client who helps young children in South Africa with university and college applications who needed a platform to have learners get help on and get resources for their studies from and a central place where he can interact with these learners. He asked me to make this as best as I can for a low cost and secure and also needs the content to be quite vibrant but not basic and when were discussing this topic I suggested a basic logo that I created and we then proceeded to create a colour palette as he needed to submit a corporate identity document for his funding application. I then created a corporate identity document for him and then began creating the website. As he was just launching the organization I started working on setting up social media accounts to create a social awareness of the brand and also to increase its rankings on search. I then proceeded to create a Google profile for the organization and got working on creating the platform. At first, as I always do with my projects I set up Search Console for the user so that Google can start analyzing the website. I then proceeded to create a membership system so that when certain types of users sign in the content that they will come across is different from what members of the organization will see. As this is a platform created for young people I then proceeded to create and configure a social SSO app for Facebook, Google and LinkedIn login so that they don’t always have to remember passwords. I also created a security feature that will force organization staff to create a new password once in a while as they handle sensitive data. I then proceeded to make the website more secure by requiring from the organization staff secure codes sent to their emails for them to log in (this was when they logged in on new devices). I then created profiles for both the user and staff with fields that they are supposed to fill out depending on their roles then allowed staff to manage students accounts and access data depending on their access level. I then created a form that would allow staff to publish articles and blog posts.